
SOC2 - P6.4

The entity obtains privacy commitments from vendors and other third parties who have access to personal information to meet the entity’s objectives related to privacy The entity obtains privacy commitments from vendors and other third parties who have access to personal information to meet the entity’s objectives related to privacy. The entity assesses those parties’ compliance on a periodic and as-needed basis and takes corrective action, if necessary.

Discloses Personal Information Only to Appropriate Third Parties

Personal information is disclosed only to third parties who have agreements with the entity to protect personal information in a manner consistent with the relevant aspects of the entity’s privacy notice or other specific instructions or requirements. The entity has procedures in place to evaluate that the third parties have effective controls to meet the terms of the agreement, instructions, or requirements.

Remediates Misuse of Personal Information by a Third Party

The entity takes remedial action in response to misuse of personal information by a third party to whom the entity has transferred such information.

Mapped SCF controls