
SOC2 - P1.1

The entity provides notice to data subjects about its privacy practices to meet the entity’s objectives related to privacy The entity provides notice to data subjects about its privacy practices to meet the entity’s objectives related to privacy. The notice is updated and communicated to data subjects in a timely manner for changes to the entity’s privacy practices, including changes in the use of personal information, to meet the entity’s objectives related to privacy.

Communicates to Data Subjects

Notice is provided to data subjects regarding the following: Purpose for collecting personal informationChoice and consentTypes of personal information collectedMethods of collection (for example, use of cookies or other tracking techniques)Use, retention, and disposalAccessDisclosure to third partiesSecurity for privacyQuality, including data subjects’ responsibilities for qualityMonitoring and enforcementIf personal information is collected from sources other than the individual, such sources are described in the privacy notice

Provides Notice to Data Subjects

Notice is provided to data subjects (1) at or before the time personal information is collected or as soon as practical thereafter, (2) at or before the entity changes its privacy notice or as soon as practical thereafter, or (3) before personal information is used for new purposes not previously identified

Covers Entities and Activities in Notice

An objective description of the entities and activities covered is included in the entity’s privacy notice

Uses Clear and Conspicuous Language

The entity’s privacy notice is conspicuous and uses clear language.

Mapped SCF controls