
SOC2 - CC7.2

The entity monitors system components and the operation of those components for anomalies that are indicative of malicious acts, natural disasters, and errors affecting the entity’s ability to meet its objectives; anomalies are analyzed to determine whether they represent security events

Implements Detection Policies, Procedures, and Tools

Detection policies and procedures are defined and implemented, and detection tools are implemented on Infrastructure and software to identify anomalies in the operation or unusual activity on systems. Procedures may include (1) a defined governance process for security event detection and management that includes provision of resources; (2) use of intelligence sources to identify newly discovered threats and vulnerabilities; and (3) logging of unusual system activities.

Designs Detection Measures

Detection measures are designed to identify anomalies that could result from actual or attempted (1) compromise of physical barriers; (2) unauthorized actions of authorized personnel; (3) use of compromised identification and authentication credentials; (4) unauthorized access from outside the system boundaries; (5) compromise of authorized external parties; and (6) implementation or connection of unauthorized hardware and software

Implements Filters to Analyze Anomalies

Management has implemented procedures to filter, summarize, and analyze anomalies to identify security events

Monitors Detection Tools for Effective Operation

Management has implemented processes to monitor the effectiveness of detection tools.

Mapped SCF controls