
SOC2 - CC3.2

COSO Principle 7: The entity identifies risks to the achievement of its objectives across the entity and analyzes risks as a basis for determining how the risks should be managed

Includes Entity, Subsidiary, Division, Operating Unit, and Functional Levels

The entity identifies and assesses risk at the entity, subsidiary, division, operating unit, and functional levels relevant to the achievement of objectives

Analyzes Internal and External Factors

Risk identification considers both internal and external factors and their impact on the achievement of objectives

Involves Appropriate Levels of Management

The entity puts into place effective risk assessment mechanisms that involve appropriate levels of management

Estimates Significance of Risks Identified

Identified risks are analyzed through a process that includes estimating the potential significance of the risk

Determines How to Respond to Risks

Risk assessment includes considering how the risk should be managed and whether to accept, avoid, reduce, or share the risk

The entity’s risk identification and assessment process includes (1) identifying information assets, including physical devices and systems, virtual devices, software, data and data flows, external information systems, and organizational roles; (2) assessing the criticality of those information assets; (3) identifying the threats to the assets from intentional (including malicious) and unintentional acts and environmental events; and (4) identifying the vulnerabilities of the identified assets.

Mapped SCF controls