
ISO 27002 - A.8 - Technological controls


User end point devices

Information stored on, processed by or accessible via user end point devices shall be protected.

Mapped SCF controls


Privileged access rights

The allocation and use of privileged access rights shall be restricted and managed.

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Information access restriction

Access to information and other associated assets shall be restricted in accordance with the established topic-specific policy on access control.

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Access to source code

Read and write access to source code, development tools and software libraries shall be appropriately managed.

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Secure authentication

Secure authentication technologies and procedures shall be implemented based on information access restrictions and the topic-specific policy on access control.

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Capacity management

The use of resources shall be monitored and adjusted in line with current and expected capacity requirements.

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Protection against malware

Protection against malware shall be implemented and supported by appropriate user awareness.

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Management of technical vulnerabilities

Information about technical vulnerabilities of information systems in use shall be obtained, the organization’s exposure to such vulnerabilities shall be evaluated and appropriate measures shall be taken.

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Configuration management

Configurations, including security configurations, of hardware, software, services and networks shall be established, documented, implemented, monitored and reviewed.

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Information deletion

Information stored in information systems, devices or in any other storage media shall be deleted when no longer required.

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Data masking

Data masking shall be used in accordance with the organization’s topic-specific policy on access control and other related topic-specific policies, and business requirements, taking applicable legislation into consideration.

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Data leakage prevention

Data leakage prevention measures shall be applied to systems, networks and any other devices that process, store or transmit sensitive information.

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Information backup

Backup copies of information, software and systems shall be maintained and regularly tested in accordance with the agreed topic-specific policy on backup.

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Redundancy of information processing facilities

Information processing facilities shall be implemented with redundancy sufficient to meet availability requirements.

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Logs that record activities, exceptions, faults and other relevant events shall be produced, stored, protected and analysed.

Mapped SCF controls


Monitoring activities

Networks, systems and applications shall be monitored for anomalous behaviour and appropriate actions taken to evaluate potential information security incidents.

Mapped SCF controls


Clock synchronization

The clocks of information processing systems used by the organization shall be synchronized to approved time sources.

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Use of privileged utility programs

The use of utility programs that can be capable of overriding system and application controls shall be restricted and tightly controlled.

Mapped SCF controls


Installation of software on operational systems

Procedures and measures shall be implemented to securely manage software installation on operational systems.

Mapped SCF controls


Networks security

Networks and network devices shall be secured, managed and controlled to protect information in systems and applications.

Mapped SCF controls


Security of network services

Security mechanisms, service levels and service requirements of network services shall be identified, implemented and monitored.

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Segregation of networks

Groups of information services, users and information systems shall be segregated in the organization’s networks.

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Web filtering

Access to external websites shall be managed to reduce exposure to malicious content.

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Use of cryptography

Rules for the effective use of cryptography, including cryptographic key management, shall be defined and implemented.

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Secure development life cycle

Rules for the secure development of software and systems shall be established and applied.

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Application security requirements

Information security requirements shall be identified, specified and approved when developing or acquiring applications

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Secure system architecture and engineering principles

Principles for engineering secure systems shall be established, documented, maintained and applied to any information system development activities.

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Secure coding

Secure coding principles shall be applied to software development.

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Security testing in development and acceptance

Security testing processes shall be defined and implemented in the development life cycle.

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Outsourced development

The organization shall direct, monitor and review the activities related to outsourced system development.

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Separation of development, test and production environments

Development, testing and production environments shall be separated and secured.

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Change management

Changes to information processing facilities and information systems shall be subject to change management procedures.

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Test information

Test information shall be appropriately selected, protected and managed.

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Protection of information systems during audit testing

Audit tests and other assurance activities involving assessment of operational systems shall be planned and agreed between the tester and appropriate management.

Mapped SCF controls